Dyke March Cisgender Men Survey

The Dyke March is an event that exists to celebrate, affirm, and empower dykes. As such, our policy since the March began in 1996 has been that all self-identified dykes are welcome to march, and that non-dyke allies are encouraged to support us from the sidelines.

At the same time, cisgender men*, many of whom are our friends, allies, family members and partners, have sometimes also joined the Dyke March in support. However, we know from post-March surveys from the past several years that many dykes in our communities have been unhappy about the presence of cisgender men within the Dyke March.

We are circulating this survey to learn about how our fellow dykes feel about this issue so that we can work towards a solution that will make everyone feel comfortable, safer, and supported on dyke day.

PLEASE NOTE: This survey is not definitive.  We encourage further discussion of this topic.  We appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey, and any questions, comments and/or concerns are welcome.


About Dyke March Toronto

Mission: The 2015 Toronto Dyke March works to create dyke-centred spaces because we need — and demand — more visibility within the Pride Toronto Festival. Goals: Our goal is to organize a political and celebratory march, created by and for dykes across the spectrum. We need to create our own space to be political and visible. Dyke visibility is important because we are not fully represented in the Pride movement or in mainstream society. The Dyke March celebrates our diversity and demonstrates the power of our communities. We hope the Dyke March leaves you with the energy to take action, a sense of community, and an appreciation for your own unique dyke glory! Values: The Dyke March values collective organizing to give dykes who are historically oppressed a platform. These include, but are not limited to, trans folks, Indigenous folks, folks of colour and folks with disabilities. We see this as necessary to create social change.
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